Know the Analyst

Gautam Agarwal is the brains behind EVA Paisa

Gautam Agarwal is a SEBI Licensed Research Analyst (INH100007930). He completed his Bachelors in Economics with distinction from Cornell University and his MBA from INSEAD. Prior to starting this project, Gautam has worked in Investment Banking with Credit Suisse in New York and Deutsche Bank in Mumbai. During his time at Deutsche Bank in India, Gautam worked with many Indian publicly listed companies, raising over USD 1.3 billion from the global equity capital markets.

His focus of equity research is on Economic Value Add (“EVA”) which he learned during his days at INSEAD. EVA is not a widely used tool as it is more academic, difficult to master and less practical than straight forward valuation approaches. However if used correctly, EVA is very powerful and highly intuitive in understanding the real value behind stocks and will help you make more money!

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